Since my pain and injuries are most intense from L4 down, I really wonder why no one even mentioned this! To clarify (since so many of the comments are about PT for more intimate reasons)…. this vaginal/anal PT can truly help with spinal and tailbone pain??? I understand how it would help for sexual situations or incontinence. But I’m having trouble picturing how this would work to affect the Premium Tattoos Cats And Tats Shirt... Like…what are they doing/manipulating, and how, to make the pain in those areas go away? How does it end up helping? I know y’all aren’t Drs but if you understand, please share. I’m curious, and also rather desperate- any time someone has undergone a treatment that.
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I haven’t (which is unusual!) for spinal or tailbone pain, I really want to pick their brain and see if it might be something that could help me because nothing does except hardcore meds. I’d love to find some relief that isn’t chemical – even if it means someone is “all up in there”. But I’m still kind of confused as to if this is a treatment for your back/tailbone, or the Premium Tattoos Cats And Tats Shirt.…or both…and how going into the vag/rectum would help…One of the best ways to understand the relationship between the tailbone (also called the coccyx) is to just google a picture of the levator ani. This muscle group is the deepest layer of the pelvic floor and can be treated really and vaginally.
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The parts if this muscle has names like pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus because they connect to the coccyx. Tension or imbalance in these muscles can affect the position of the tailbone. Additionally, if you google an anatomy image that shows a Premium Tattoos Cats And Tats Shirt. This means the tailbone is in a unique situation to any other portion of the spine in that it can be treated from the other side. Your particular case sounds extremely complex and its possible your docs or PTs ruled out a pelvic floor component. It’s also possible you are in a part of the country that has not picked up on pelvic floor PT. This was so helpful. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to explain this to me and help me seek out other resources to understand a bit better.
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