If he fires Fauci, as he has done with anyone everyone that doesn’t kiss his ass 24/7, even more people will die. As the nation will have lost an expert, a qualified crisis manager someone to correct Trump’s falsehoods. Because Trump will either replace them with someone that does kiss his ass 24/7, replace them with Miller or Kush. Who knows even less than him or not replace Fauci at all say HE knows better than any expert. If he fires Fauci, as he has done with anyone a Madalorian And Baby Yoda The Death Star Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt. As the nation will have lost an expert, a qualified crisis manager and someone to correct Trump’s falsehoods.
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I think and learn, from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to bed. I’m in my 40’s and most people think I’m far younger they talk to me, especially about tech. Because I’m so with the times and usually on the bleeding edge. He (Trump), does not think, does not learn and actually gets angry. When people tell him to do either of those things. If my own father hadn’t been the Madalorian And Baby Yoda The Death Star Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt. Because I also know full well he’s a clinical narcissist and the ones I’ve had in my life were all actually rather intelligent and adaptable people. Trump isn’t, he’s dumber than a bag of bricks. But people like him do exist, even on the NPD/APD spectrum and electing people like him to be in any position of power is fucking retarded.
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I predicted Fauci would be could probably start a podcast afterward funded well. I’d throw a couple of bucks his way to listen to him. What’s incredibly sad is this is the way ALL of his aides should be acting. The fact that he’s surrounded by arse-lickers and yes-men/women just make Fauci’s actions seem out of place. When, in reality, he’s the only one acting like a normal human being would and should. The best thing that could happen is Trump fires him. And Fauci then shows up on every news station in the Madalorian And Baby Yoda The Death Star Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt. People listen to Fauci, he needs to be speaking freely be listened to.
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