My father in law is alive at this very moment instead of passing from aggressive stage 4 cancer last year because his clinic has a program that gets him his $16k/month drugs for free. He Dog Life Is Better With Dogs Shirt to chip in every month but none of us can afford $2k/month, much less $16k. Every time he expresses gratitude at being alive and getting drugs for free I point out that it’s only because of somebody else that he’s alive. Somebody else is footing the bill. He doesn’t get the connection and is still a hardcore trumper and against socialized medicine. Here is an example: We have a frequent flyer that is a known pain med seeker, she calls multiple time a week complaining of some sort of pain (last week she called in reporting the TEXTBOOK symptoms of myocardial infarction.
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She was completely fine beside the pain she was reporting that we couldn’t prove existed, if she was actually having a MI she would have other signs). We get dispatched, show up, check her out, and take her to the hospital regardless. Of anything being wrong with Dog Life Is Better With Dogs Shirt we legally have. To take her. Doing this costs her absolutely nothing, since she is on our healthcare system, so she has no reason to stop. Meanwhile, it takes up a crew that could be on a more important ca. A bed at the ER for an actually sick patien. And nurses who could be dealing with actually sick patients. Meanwhile, I am paying for her to do this with my tax dollars. It costs HER nothing, but it costs resources and tax dollars from EVERYONE ELSE.
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