I swear some people are completely unaware of their environment! I swear I Am A Proud Mom In Law Of A Freaking Awesome Daughter In Law Yes She Bought Me This Shirt they can’t tell that it’s making your job difficult. It’s YOUR feelings. And we all have rough weeks! I totally understand most people are just unaware of what they’re doing, I would never raise my voice or be hostile towards them it’s just a frustration. If I don’t proceed with the passive movement I just use other techniques and if they rebook I’m more then happy to see them again cause usually, those are the people that really need the relaxation. Thank you for your comment! I understand the downvotes I was venting pretty good there haha.
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Or when they have like a million itches on their face. And every time they move their entire back tenses up, same with anything posterior! (Sometimes anterior). That actually makes me start to question my technique! Not a nice feeling. Recently had this annoyance become more noticeable at where I work. Everything we are ever talked to about indicates we are employees. Because of this. So frustrating to see them try to save a buck by some hand waving mumbo jumbo on we’re paid compared to how we’re employees. Those super-thin delicate necklaces people keep forgetting to take off. Does your massage envy do chair massage?
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But our front desk didn’t realize that’s how it worked. Or that they definitely should not be an I Am A Proud Mom In Law Of A Freaking Awesome Daughter In Law Yes She Bought Me This Shirt. Then I rarely take off my necklace. Sometimes I totally forget it’s there. One time my massage therapist offered to take it off for me while I was on the table. That was nice of her. I try to remember to take it off now. This is what I usually do. Sometimes jewelry is a sentimental thing so I understand people not remembering to take them off.
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