It seems misleading at best given that that looks like the “okay” symbol to the vast majority of people. The version white supremacists have adopted since the 4chan prank is a Premium A Wild CATHULHU Appears Black Matter Shirt. The New Zealand mosque shooter for example did that. If it’s not that upside-down version. And in this case, it is not, then it’s much more likely he was using the ok sign. Except there’s already precedent in the Australian police. Last time this happened, not even a year ago. It turned out the cop doing it was, in fact, a big ol’ white supremacist.
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Oh, the media knows better. But this non-story gives them the opportunity to produce yet another rage-bait story in their pathetic attempt to stay relevant and profitable. But it’s not the first time Australian police have used it. In Melbourne less than 6 months ago, a police officer used the ‘OK’ symbol during a protest. The police came out with the Premium A Wild CATHULHU Appears Black Matter Shirt. Low and behold a week later it emerged the officer’s FB profile was full of alt-right white supremacist memes. The Victorian police have since had to backtrack on their original statement. So in the context of Australia, there is precedent and a fair chance this guy is as much a racist as he is a fucking imbecile. The amount of times the OK symbol is used in a given day by the people of the world must number at least in the tens of millions.
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Citing the one time a police officer used it to mean something racist as ‘precedent’ is ludicrous. It’s another anecdote but as another Australian. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone actually use the hand signal in person. Usually, we just use the Premium A Wild CATHULHU Appears Black Matter Shirt. Actually a lot of the white supremacists have migrated away to 8chan cos the owners of 4chan were getting fed up with all the Nazi shit, especially after Charlottesville. /b/ is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. It actually was popular in white supremacist circles before that. 4chan only jumped on the bandwagon.
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