Nirnroot has gotta be the kush of Skyrim. Green, spiky, and it calls to me everywhere I go. You’re god damn right. You can never go wrong. I sat here for a good 3 minutes and tried to find a counter. First few times smoking when I was pretty young. Walking through the first dungeon you get sent to find the golden claw, Bleak Falls I think and holy fuck did that Draugrs scare the shit out of me. But now that I think about it that’s kind of the Top That’s What I Do I Smoke I Chill And I Know Things Shirt. So yeah, can’t really ever go wrong. I also defeated Alduin for the first time on a pretty mid-low dose of acid. It hasn’t had a game capture me like that since. I cannot wait for ES6.
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Hey you, you’re finally awake, you were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into an imperial ambush the same as us and the thief over there. You were on the floor rolling around and shit. You called the captain the n-word. Same as us, and that thief over there. Bro no lies I literally just walked through the college of Winterfell while baked just enjoying the Top That’s What I Do I Smoke I Chill And I Know Things Shirt. I’ve actually never played it myself because I don’t have a switch, but the fog/the UI/the style and everything made me vibe so hard. It was like an alien planet, my brain was struggling to comprehend.
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It is quite a piece even when sober. I play it high as fuck all the time but watching someone play while tripping sounds like a Top That’s What I Do I Smoke I Chill And I Know Things Shirt. I love finding digital smoke spots! Not a Skyrim guy but BOTW and FarCry have some fantastic spots to sit and smoke. When it’s time to smoke I consider it a mission: Find the Smoke Spot. We are sitting in critique and my professor is asking where the hell I went and how I managed to print them to be “dreamy and lucid.” It’s not like the print was super clear. Something was off, the didn’t look real but they had to have been.
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