Didn’t stop him from becoming a biker… This now reminds me of Joe Hendry’s awesome song for Katarina, asking her what happened to her pirate brother. Funny, but it’s lasted longer than the “Sara” tattoo on his throat. When was the Official I Workout Just Kidding I Chase Cows Vintage Shirt? I remember the randomly showed up w a full sleeve. He started getting tattoo work done pretty early on into his run as Undertaker. I don’t know why, but I cannot stop laughing at that still from the 1995 interview. Everything about it looks so ridiculous and out of place. It looks like his mom brought him onto Jerry Springer. You should buy this shirt. It’s an amazing shirt!
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I think in the podcast they said when he left for a few months after 94 rumbles, he went and got more tats done. The problem was, taker didn’t let WWE know and when he came back to face the undertaker, their tattoos were not in sync. What’s funny is that even if the tattoos on the two Takers were perfect mirrors of each other, they still didn’t really look the Official I Workout Just Kidding I Chase Cows Vintage Shirt. There was a noticeable size difference, both in height and body mass. The fake Undertaker only managed to kinda pass when he couldn’t be easily compared to the real guy. They did a better job with fake Undertaker than they did fake Kane, but still. Oh, yea he was quite noticeably different in height and build. That’s probably why it only lasted one match.
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.Wow. Did you have all of this ready just in case somebody asked about Taker’s tats? Or are you just that quick? Just quick Googling, I guess. A brief comb through images of different time periods of Undertaker’s run and piecing it together real quick. Great info dude. Its weird seeing old school purple taker with sleeve tattoos. In the second picture, the Official I Workout Just Kidding I Chase Cows Vintage Shirt? I’ve always found takers tattoos frustrating as they’re just so hard to actually make out. I was just about to make the same comment. He has several pieces by Paul Booth I think. It’s really a nice shirt for men and women. And I have this shirt.
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