I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell, but really? If I had to do it over again, being one and done? My mom would have been the only person with me in delivery. And when we left the hospital, we would have stayed with Mom. Postpartum was difficult. I had an episiotomy, stitches pulled, I breastfed, and learning how to do it right was a bit of an Awesome Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Shirt. It really came in. Then, there were the two days I spent puking everything up, while still bleeding because my post-birth hormones crashed. And I was still nursing.
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We would not have had visitors for about two weeks. And then, you could help by feeding me, so I could make milk for the baby, help Mom with whatever in her house, make sure I was well hydrated, and then cuddle the baby. And give her back when I asked. I didn’t WANT to let other people hold the baby for very long. I have since been told that’s normal. It’s an Awesome Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Shirt. I was called selfish and a baby hog. Snapped at my ex-MIL and ex-GMIL that I gave birth to her, I was the mom. And it was always my turn to hold the baby. Then they could go make their own babies. I was also called selfish for breastfeeding because those bitches couldn’t buy formula. And bottles kick me out take over the baby. She wouldn’t take a bottle.
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Geez, who tells a new mom she’s selfish for hogging the baby? That’s laughable. I mean Jesus Christ, no wonder they’re ex-family. Who complains about new mum’s baby hogging? I mean sweet Jesus, the last thing I want to do is hold someone else’s brand new baby. What if I broke it??? I don’t even want to touch someone else’s new phone. I thought this only happened to me but I also got the Awesome Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Shirt. What is with these people? Not to mention that newborns have absolute crap immune systems so OP just exposed his brand new baby to who knows what in the waiting room of a hospital.
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