I guess, but the alternative is one 8h session every couple of months. At that pace, we’ll be lucky to finish a single bigger quest/arc in a year. This also interferes with an Official Jesus Is My Savior Boxing Is My Therapy Shirt. Yeah, I know that feeling well. I DM for 5-7 players. We play for a whole weekend because it’s hard to meet up so we make the most of the time. I am so hyped before. Afterward, I’m tired and depressed. But on the other hand, I have a small group of 2-3 players and we play for 1-3 hours more regularly and I always leave that one excited for the next session. You’re not alone. I’m the same way. My anxiety goes into high gear without fail. Same thing with session prep.
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I usually have fun running the games, but in-between times makes me wonder why I agree to DM. For me, I really think it just comes down to anxiety problems in general. I get too much inside my head. My players are having fun and really look forward to playing each week. I never live up to expectations for myself. I don’t really know an Official Jesus Is My Savior Boxing Is My Therapy Shirt. Want to run stuff like Matt Mercer or Chris Perkins, but I’m not them and I need to quit expecting that. I’ve had both and found that group makeup and how the session ran affects it.
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I had one group I played with that I got the high every time and found it was because I was invested in all of them. For the next group, after my closest friend left the Official Jesus Is My Savior Boxing Is My Therapy Shirt. I started getting post-session depression. Because I wasn’t as invested in the group due to their lack of time investment. And the fact I wasn’t super close with any of them. I’ve since started getting that post-session high again with my newest group since I have a full group of people. Or best friends are invested in the game itself. Which feeds back to me. Granted, I have ADHD too. What’s gonna happen to me post-session since my own dopamine response.
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