When clients say they are a really fast changer and I don’t need to wait hardly any time to pop back in the room…yes I know you want your message to start RIGHT NOW but I NEED TO PEE, and wash my hands, please stop being impatient. I promise I will give you your whole hour! I had an Awesome Massage Therapist Colorful Heartbeat Shirt. Then I walked into him lying there on top of everything in nothing but his underwear. The thing is that I always make a point of telling them to get between the sheets and lifting the blanket and sheets up and pat the area between them as a visual indicator of where they need to be.
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This guy did not listen or pay attention at all. Then he wanted me to spend extra time on his toes but they were crusty, nasty, disgusting and I didn’t touch them at all with my bare hands. But that’s another matter entirely. I feel like an Awesome Massage Therapist Colorful Heartbeat Shirt. I’m explaining the process to them, not actually hearing a damn word I say. Sometimes I can’t get them to stop undressing while I explain what to do and ask them to wait until I step out of the room to undress. People just don’t like to listen. I get that some of it are nervousness if they’ve never had a massage before.
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Some of it, especially with women, is them just not caring to undress in front of me because I’m a woman. But mostly it’s just that they don’t pay attention and don’t care to. She would rip off her clothes while I was talking to her and when I said I was going to give her a moment and step out, she would say things like, “silly Americans!, in France we lie butt naked on the table!!”, and “shy Americans, sheesh!”. I explain it’s our state law they remained draped during the massage. I always keep an extra top sheet handy for those instances!
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