There are shelters full of wonderful cats that are desperately in need of new and caring owners that are free or next to free. Being an adult means making tough choices, and you just can’t afford this expensive treatment for your cat. There’s no guarantee that this would be the only treatment your animal needs, either. The vets have a Funny Icon Care Cat Shirt. And they want to sell you on the idea of spending thousands on your animal. You don’t know how expensive this will be. You could go into debt to get the first treatment, only to find more and more cancer shortly thereafter. Not super on topic, but not all vets want to sell you on the idea of spending thousands.
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Mine has always been upfront with me on the prognosis of my cat’s health and has mentioned a test that could be done out of the house (we would’ve had to send blood work to a Funny Icon Care Cat Shirt). But he didn’t think it was worth it at this point. A good vet will always try to keep expectations in check in terms of prognosis and tell you like it is. It’s a really tough call to say that because I understand how pets can be family, but they’re not a human and I do agree that there are many other pets full of love ready to be shared. Have to think about the quality of life too. As you said, this may not be a total fix. Surgery on the most pet’s generally impacted their quality of life for good and its cancer will probably return.
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I’m very sorry, but this is really solid advice. I love my cats but when the time comes, the time comes. I’d also suggest getting pet insurance for future pets if possible. $25-30 a Funny Icon Care Cat Shirt. There was no payout max (if I remember right, either that or around $20k). But make sure and get it immediately because they do discriminate on pre-existing conditions, unlike human insurance. My cat is my whole world and I would die just so she can be well again, so not having the surgery is not an option. No, your emotional attachment clouds your mind. Cancer is serious, and it spreads.
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