I got a pretty decent tolerance (I can still function and do stuff after a gram dab). Doing multiple .1s was more intense (I was sweating pretty hard, and a lot of coughing when I got to the Top I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt). Both were still fun though. It’s hands-free. You don’t have to move it around because of the way it’s made. He started that style but a lot of glassblowers are making similar stuff. Motherships new caps seem to be adopting the style. It’s like a few small holes as opposed to one. There’s probably something else going on design/function-wise but I’ve never researched it, just anecdotal stuff from IG.
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I’m pretty sure I see a phone under the brush on the left corner, which to me means the person is still working on it. Also, I think I see an electric trimmer to the right of the brushes so if we assume this is a woman station, a man is contributing to the Top I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt. That might be a jar of pomade next to it but it could also be hair cream or moisturizer. The right side of the sink is just a hair styling mat and a wand with hair serums and hairpins, nothing crazy. I also see bobby pains, which if you’re doing your hair, of course, you’ll have. I see a mini eyeshadow palette and another palette of some sort, probably contour palette, and some brushes, both of which are not unreasonable.
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In a perfect world, “getting ready” would just mean a hairbrush, a single powder brush, and a powder foundation (and of course people can still do just those things) but all of the Top I Always Leave My Heart In Germany Shirt. For a lot of women, this is just how many tools they use to get ready. My counter looks like this when I get out my beard trimming and grooming supplies. I usually take up more space than my girlfriend. I swear this sub loves to get mad at nothing. Especially things they’ve never experienced. I was going to say, all of that is probably for a “natural” look. I don’t see any super bright colors or anything.
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