The biggest thing I see is that you were way too slow on the jerk. So it looks like a failed push press and that is not how you make the Finals. Strength matters, but once you have it you need to switch your programming to learn how to move *faster*. You are actually capable of cleaning quite a lot more than you did, you’re pulling the Top Lifters Against Fascism Lift Big Eat Big Shirt: could be an unintentional compensation for lack of speed, because you’re pretty slow when switching from the end of the pull to getting under the bar too… but your actual movement is not too slow. Which makes me think your timing is the biggest issue. To me, after replaying both your transition during the clean and your jerk your timing is the bigger issue and that’s what I’d focus on.
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Watch your video frame by frame and you will see that the bar is basically at max height BEFORE you’re moving full speed to get underneath it in both sections of your lift. This didn’t hurt you in your clean because you had the bar SO high. But that’s also keeping you from cleaning more weight. Take a piece of chalk and have a Top Lifters Against Fascism Lift Big Eat Big Shirt: This is important because this is about the highest that you need to ever pull a bar for a full clean. Nearly everyone will find that the bottom of their stable FS with good form is lower than the top of their pull with straight arms when on tip-toes. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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This is your first thing to identify. Because once you know what your necessary pull height is you can basically start training yourself to pull yourself UNDER the Top Lifters Against Fascism Lift Big Eat Big Shirt. By doing so, you enable yourself to still have a few inches to generate the stretch reflex that helps you stand up with a heavyweight. But you’ll end up in a more stable position because the bar has less time to move forward or backward. You can do something very similar for your jerk: Get into your preferred bottom-of-jerk catch height. That’s your new goal for all your power jerks.
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