I built it. My parent’s house burned to the ground when I was 20 and I lost almost all the guns I had (about 10 of them). Thought so. Wasn’t 100% sure Top 1st Grade Strong No Matter The Distance Shirt? A relative has one from WWII. I don’t know the story behind it but I know I have some far back relatives that fought. (On both sides at that) I shot it once or twice almost 10 years ago. If that one is still around, I’ll take a look at it. Was the first pistol I ever fired. I like it so much I always use one in video games whenever I have the option. But in all seriousness man I love your collection!
Top 1st Grade Strong No Matter The Distance Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Yes, I feel so dumb having a hobby where the collectibles retain their value. Silly me I could have spent it on religion or restaurants or smoking. Holy shit awesome collection man. Two things and this may be a little hard but what is the pistol above the Top 1st Grade Strong No Matter The Distance Shirt? Looks to be to the left a smith a Wesson m&p9 or m&p22. As well it looks like you may only have one but what about the beretta cheetah in 32 ACP? Couldn’t tell by the ejection port. Thank you fluffy have a safe year out there. Got a close up of the Webley? Always good to see another unshaved cylinder. I love those goofy little rounds. You can almost watch the bullet head to the target.
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