Of course, I suppose you can put a stipulation that you’re all for socialism as long as the state doesn’t interfere with church property. But that position is almost non-existent in both academia, and in the realpolitik. None of this makes any sense because socialism is state ownership. And that ultimately includes the state taking ownership of church property. That is Premium Hermit Crab Nope Not Today Shirt. However, there is no such thing as a socialist country that tolerates religion. And this is not generally supported in academia either. The overwhelming majority of socialist movements in both academia, and in the realpolitik, are hostile to religion. I’ve seen similar positions like yours, for example, people claiming to be traditionalists Catholics, while also identifying as Marxists. Of course, naturally, they are an outlier amongst Marxists, and amongst.
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Catholics, since that position, violate papal authority which condemns Marxism. In fairness, I’m more for anarcho-socialism than for ‘vanilla’ socialism, but I also understand it’s a pipe dream that would involve us having to give up most of the luxuries we enjoy for the Premium Hermit Crab Nope Not Today Shirt. It’s more of a “perfect world” daydream for me than a position I’m willing to advocate for. I’m mostly left-of-center rather than the full left. I understand that Marxism proper calls for a worker state that owns. Production (though not to the extent of Communism, in which the state tends to rapidly. Become exactly what it was trying to overthrow), but I don’t think that’s actually the best model. What I would like to see is state-provided social care, and perhaps nationalized services like the post, transport.
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