Yonko, we were all hype thinking advanced CoC was the turning point but Oda just went “Nope”. This isn’t good. Both Luffy and Zoro are down and the Strawhats are nowhere near their win conditions. Their condition being that Kaido withdraws from Wano and they get a Only The Best Dads Softball Player Shirt. Kaido mentioning a “new weapon” in Luffy’s arsenal has got me thinking. It’s entirely possible that he could just be referring to his new application of Conquerer’s Haki, but I can’t help being reminded of Enies Lobby, where Luffy first uses Gear Third off-screen. More significantly, if it was just the Conquerer’s Haki that we’ve already seen Luffy use, why would Oda choose to off-screen this moment? I think Luffy pulled out either a new Gear Fourth form or Gear Fifth but (obviously) still lost.
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Oda chose to keep it off-panel so that the real, on-panel debut is a more triumphant moment – much like he did with Gear Third. Kaido is such a savage damn. He was sighing the entire time, Only The Best Dads Softball Player Shirt would put up a good fight. If that’s not the strongest creature on Earth, I don’t know what is. Well Big Mom is a savage in her own right, decimating Ulti with 0 difficulty and disposing of Zeus without a second thought. As for Lully – seems like this is “run of out Haki” moment. 10-20 more minutes – if someone can help him recover – i think he will. Ready to fight again.. think he did that against Katakuri as well (only. He was not knocked out) .. time for Marco/Law to come to the rescue.
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