If you complain that this is only being upvoted by “creeps”, then what do you expect? If a guy can see your nipples he may try not to stare but he will definitely look, especially if you’re attractive. That’s like a I’m A Queen April 1962. Happy Birthday Shirt complaining when girls can’t help but see it. As a man, I’ve always been of the impression that the purpose of the bra is to make women more comfortable. If you’re more comfortable without one, then you should have no obligation to wear one. Anyone who has a problem with it either choice is seriously overstepping their boundaries. Bras suck and I’ve always hated them. I wish I didn’t have to wear one in public just to be seen as “decently dressed”.
I’m A Queen April 1962 Happy Birthday Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Then I realized I’m an adult and I don’t have to wear them so I don’t. Nothing’s happened to me over it. People don’t Stare and if they do…I’m to preoccupied to care. Nobody has ever said anything nasty about it… If they did I’d assume they were a repressed pervert. There’s nothing I’m A Queen April 1962 Happy Birthday Shirt but if your nipples are very obvious then guys (and lesbians, and other straight girls too) are gonna assume you don’t mind them being seen. That isn’t pervy unless looking at a shirtless guy on a hot day makes you a creep too. It’s like if someone was wearing a onesie on a train, you’re gonna be curious because it’s unusual. That’s human nature. I do not wear bras outside of work and it’s only cotton sport’s bras. I find bras uncomfortable..
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