Because the real consequences will happen in the following months, when a British professional won’t be able to Nice Essential Worker Nurse Shirt in the EU because their qualifications won’t be recognized, when British lamb will get stuck at the border because some obscure form didn’t get filled or when some plant won’t be upgraded in favour of some other, EU based, factory etc etc. Fishing isn’t a win, most reports talk about the fact that EU boats will have to catch 25% less fish in UK waters but do you have any idea of how much UK boats will have access to EU waters? Hint, no access at all. I wouldn’t be too sure about that, there’s still going to be customs delays that weren’t a thing while UK was in EU. And we’ve seen the last couple of days what a bit of disruption at the border could result in.
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I wouldn’t be too sure about that, there’s still. Going to be customs delays that weren’t a thing while the UK was in the EU. And Nice Essential Worker Nurse Shirt seen the last couple of days. What a bit of disruption at the border could result in. The only issue would be that. The haulers would have to go back mostly empty if they want to avoid EU controls, it would probably raise prices. But Brexit is worth it, sovereignty and fishes! The only issue would be that the haulers would have to go back mostly empty if they want to avoid EU controls. It would probably raise prices but brexit is worth it, sovereignty and fishes ! You know that the amount of trucks going from. UK to EU or from EU to UK is roughly the same amount?
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