Beyond the indignity in this process its insanely wasteful. One of the major problems related to cost in health care is that now there are *so* many options for diagnosis and Nice 5 Things You Should Know About My Wife Shirt. Think of when your pet dies – who wants to say no to that $2000 bill from the vet that “may” help? So you can run up tens of thousands in a bill. It can also be a big news story when someone dies who ‘may’ have been saved (or live a few more months) from expensive treatment denied. As a society, we’re so insulated from death that we don’t make rational cost-benefit analyses on where limited funds should go. Acronyms like QALY (quality-adjusted life-year ) exist and are great measures but when policies hit politics it can all get thrown out.
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That must be it. Deep rural in a red state. Only one health insurance company in the entire county so everyone pays an. ABSURD amount per month and then still never go to the Nice 5 Things You Should Know About My Wife Shirt. This isn’t a capitalist competition (which I don’t think has. ANY place in an industry like healthcare) this is a MONOPOLY- where people have to pay a. HUGE price for bad service to a private company that has. No incentive to change their practices. I’ve been able to get non-emergency appointments with my primary care doctor. Or one of their alternates very quickly (~1 week, if I have a specific issue). Although there was a horrendous 6-month wait to actually see . My primary care doctor for the first time. Specialists so far have also been pretty good although it depends on the specialty.
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