They are still a person and I believe there is a social responsibility to look out for one another. The Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Dirt Bike Shirt) often people hold the view that if you don’t pay for it you shouldn’t get it, which here means then to deny them healthcare for their lack of money. The fact that it’s about healthcare makes it more controversial because the person is then denied the necessary healthcare to keep them alive or simply healthy. I agree that services have costs, and those should be paid for. I don’t think i’m advocating for FREE STUFF FOR EVERYONE. But I think what the desired system actually is, is that the services should be paid fo. So that those who can’t pay still receive care. Normal people already pay taxes.
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I would wager that if you asked, most people would be happy enough to pay a tax which supports the healthcare system. They would also benefit from that. The system would be paid for already, people wouldn’t have to. Die by refusing an ambulance Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Dirt Bike Shirt). The thing that I always get stuck on with it is that I really feel that if someone is denied healthcare. Because they can’t afford it, it really misses the point that that person is another human being. It always seems to come down to “if you can’t pay for it you should basically. Die” because that’s what comes across. And that doesn’t account for the HUGE inequalities in the US and other countries, it’s just a flat NO. The controversy is the apparent lack of care for a fellow human.
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