So much this… I’m exhausted as fuck but still unable to sleep. So I usually use that time to think about what’s coming next and how NPCs will react to what the players did. I go to bed the night after a Father Fa-Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Definition Shirt. Gotta love that feeling. I’ve died a lot of sessions that started at 6 or 7 pm and ended at 2 or 3 in the morning. We intended to wrap at midnight, but I wouldn’t even notice. I would have an hour’s drive home. And be wired the entire time, sometimes struggling to sleep when I got home. Your brain goes into absolute overdrive and it’s crazy.
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I’m DMing for my first ever adventure with my friends and I’m always super buzzed by the end and really struggle to sleep, even though I feel exhausted as it’s usually the early hours. I’m absolutely loving it though, waiting for the next session feels like being a Father Fa-Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Definition Shirt. It has amazed me how many hours I can put into prep though, even for a predefined campaign. Setting up wilderness encounter maps etc (on roll20). We might need to do more “theatre of the mind” stuff once lockdown is over and I have to go back to work!! You will find Prep gets easier as you go. Especially if you save everything you do. I spend maybe 20min prepping for 3-hour sessions. I was running 6 bi-weekly games before the lockdown, now I am running 1 small Roll20 game. And a massive multi-day multi-party Westmarches at sea with 9 altering players currently.
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But you could always pre-plan, pre-populate encounters. I am always mining Reddit for battle maps, I have over 100 now easy. And the artist’s permission to use them on Youtube. I am very excited to use each map in a cool encounter. That’s awesome. Thanks for your advice. I’m finding managing many battle maps on roll20 very cumbersome. The long scrolling list along the Father Fa-Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Definition Shirt. Yeah, I am feeling that. The Westmarch takes place on 5 separate islands simultaneously so far, so my top-scroll is insane. Apparently there is a way to copy/paste a map page into another game. I am going to look into that and try to make an “archive game” to send old maps to.
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