If you want to see what’s wrong with the state of things, look no further. he’s just very curious about what the guest has to say and doesn’t try to interject I read your favorite podcast was the Alex Jones one. Now that was entertaining, quite possibly my favorite (so wild). It’s pretty crazy that he’s worth what he is, Dad The Man Myth Cycling Legend Vingtage Shirt. Joe Rogan says all sorts of funny fucked up shit and he’s a self admitted bullshitter so when the vultures come out and pick apart what he goes out and says I take it with a grain of salt. I enjoyed maybe 3 of his podcasts before. Obama because he’s black” yeah, except the self-hating. You are allowed to have community standards. if you want a joe Rogan-Esque podcast with really good science discussions.
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The videos are a bit dry at times but if you can make it through you always come out feeling like you learned something new about the world. At lot of infotainment can be like that. Like, I enjoy watching John Oliver’s show and I like how he Dad The Man Myth Cycling Legend Vingtage Shirt get much public exposure. At the same time, I’ve noticed on some segments. Where to fit his conclusion or presenting information in a misleading way. In general, this is the problem with relying on any single source for information. On most topics that aren’t technical journals or guidelines or regulations. If the presenter is trying to make a point, there will likely be bias towards that point. The best way to find the truth is to seek out multiple sources of information and decide for yourself
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