twitter weirdos say than maybe have some more confidence in yourself and your right to an opinion regardless of your skin color and gender etc.. look I’m a straight white suburban Yorkshire Terrier I’m a Baby Shirt all kinds of things in regards to my demographic lol but it doesn’t bother me because it’s not the majority of people who believe those things and I only care about the people who value me for who I am as a person and vise versa and you should do the same.. the internet and social media is a cesspool of radical opinions that don’t represent the thoughts of actual populations of people. It’s not that people like Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh got canceled because. They’re white, they just weren’t every funny to anyone who wasn’t an edgy white.
Yorkshire Terrier I’m a Baby Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie

Comedy has historically been a method at punching up at those that have seemingly been untouchable. Kings, politicians, the elite are all fair game in a stand-up routine. George Carlin is a straight white dude and is still hailed as one. Of the greats, Yorkshire Terrier I’m a Baby Shirt p. You can make raunchy jokes, be offensive, do shock humor and still be a good comedian. It’s just not funny to do it to people who are shit on by life anyway. As another user said, Cumtown is one of the highest-rated podcasts on Patreon. It’s pretty fucking offensive lmao but it punches up. Conservatism just isn’t funny, so any comedian that tries to work in their conservatism to their act just comes out lame. It’s not our fault they’re not funny lol.
Other Product: Some Girl Go Running And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirt
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