The only way we can keep eating meat on a regular basis is to switch to cultivated meat and remove the animals from the equation entirely. Farming doesn’t work in a free capitalist market, never really has. Everyone needs food to survive and sure there are luxury food items that are commodities but everything else can’t be full commodities, similar to Healthcare, When You’re Good At Something Make That Every Thing Shirt it’s necessary for survival. I would blame that more on lack of regulation on food and letting food industries, like the syrup industry, completely destroy public health and letting them dictate that every food should have corn syrup, which is more unhealthy than white sugar. I’m also really picky with hamburgers, so there’s that. But I agree with your point so much. It’s one of the things I’ve been railing about.
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Obv the number of cattle we have right now wouldn’t make for particularly healthy pasture management (and would demand a LOT of space be cleared for pasture, which also defeats the purpose), but with an appropriate reduction in the national herd, cattle can be raised in a way that benefits and regenerates pasture. The thing about animal agriculture is that at When You’re Good At Something Make That Every Thing Shirt. Hobby farms with integrated grazing techniques can work animals into their overall farming. Practices and minimize pollution (though the cows still emit methane), but it doesn’t work. When they try to scale it up. Factory farming exists for a reason: it’s an efficient way to produce meat for a lot. Of people who eat a lot of it. On huge, grassless feedlots and feeding nothing but processed corn and soy was a terrible idea.
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