Think about it like this. Those upper-middle-class people with bratty soccer children sure are annoying and easy to make fun of, but they’re wealthy, and their life is presumably far greater in scope than whatever it was during prom. There’s really nothing they could want to gain from saying hi to all the Top Senior Class Of 2020 The Class That Mape Histor Shirt. The adults who brag about stealing alcohol money don’t have any of this. Putting it short they simply never grew up past high school, their emotional and social development plateaued. To them, there is nothing greater than high school, and they constantly want to relive it. That’s why you’ll see these people going to house parties well into their 30s. Successful people don’t care about high school, Brats like Twitter Girl here do nothing but constantly relive it.
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I think you’re oversimplifying a lot here. Not everyone who becomes rich or founds a family feels accomplished enough to not be hung up on some old shit. Also, not everyone who did stupid shit in school, or didn’t have a successful career path does look down on themselves or their accomplishments and can be perfectly happy without reliving their old days. Even if, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with thinking fondly of your high school days. Just because someone made different decisions in life than you, doesn’t mean that the Top Senior Class Of 2020 The Class That Mape Histor Shirt. But I bet you are a successful entrepreneur who is very happy with their lives, that why you have to tell everybody how their life is shit. Successful people do that all the time.
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I also want to think there are successful people who are excited to tell their old friends about their new life and reconnect over fun memories. Then you meet up with the Top Senior Class Of 2020 The Class That Mape Histor Shirt. Back before social media HS reunions were probably the only way to find them. But it would be 1000% easier for me to ask if someone is going to a reunion and wants to meet up before or there. The only people that went to my 10-year reunion were there trashy rednecks that never grew up. After seeing the pictures it just made me feel better about not going.
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