As soon as it was mentioned that the seemingly important research complex was on a desert planet orbiting a red giant, I realized who was about to get a visit from the other insects of the confederacy. As I recall, most of the Top Give Me The Strength To Walk Away From Stupid People Without Slapping Shirt. All we need are some British rabbits. And a couple of vivid descriptions of strawberry treacle, and we’ve got ourselves a Redwall episode. So they’re not entirely new, there was one mentioned all the way back in part one. We didn’t get a description at the time though. Giant armored mantises with guns come at you at almost highway speeds; roll to see how hard you shit yourself.
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Looks like they were actually Treana’ad, not Mantid. Del’Var was mistaken. Since P’thok was able to pass for Mantid under casual observation in the first story and these conscripts probably only saw Mantids on the TriVid. When Dreams made the news, so it would be an easy mistake to make. From one of the other hives that were in hiding. This explains why the two species look so similar. Maybe we should ask him again, get the answer straight from the mouth of the creator. Someone really needs to make a wiki for this, it’s getting too long to remember all the little details. That’s great news. Now I can finally find out all the things I forgot, like that it is convergent evolution, not genetic offshoot.
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Then there is a wiki being built on the discord. I’m pretty sure Ralts said it was more like convergent evolution for them. Pretty sure the reference that’s causing this confusion was. When rates explained the Top Give Me The Strength To Walk Away From Stupid People Without Slapping Shirt. Leading to a forgotten. And other various factions infighting that led to our current mantids. You have somehow managed to pass your entire body out through your rectum. This is not wildly conducive to survival. Literally have tears streaming down my face from laughing at this comment and I’m not sure why. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Then thank you so much. And I hope you have a lucky day.
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