(therefore it might seem like the US are overspending, but in combination. Healthy manner Premium Rottweiler American Flag Shirt into. With a higher gdp per capita and the lack of healthcare debts that. Comparison looks skewed to me.. The issue is that a lot of people are worried that they won’t benefit from it, it will just make things worse. A large concern is overuse of medical resources, and longer wait times for even small services. On top of this, having significantly raised taxes that would then fund a system that. A lot of people believe will degrade healthcare quality means that people easily. Could continue to dislike the system, even if receiving care from it. It sounds good on paper, but has fundamental flaws.
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It is not the government’s job to provide healthcare for citizens and if you ever actually look at the number its far more expensive than private health care. Luckily I’m on Tricare which really isn’t anything to brag about but if you look at plans on healthcare.gov its absolutely ridiculous. as a single person who has no existing health conditions, I would be paying $400 a month with a large deductible. Premium Rottweiler. American Flag Shirt has medical problems for days. socialized healthcare only benefits the lower class at the expense of the middle and upper class. ’m from the UK and can safely say if I was born in the USA I’d probably be dead. I have had kidney issues all my life from 20’s, had bilateral kidney removal.
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