It is easy for an academic at a round table to claim that we live in a post-ideological universe, but the moment he visits the lavatory after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology. I’m really sorry about your keys, but also very grateful that you shared this story. I appreciate these explanations of the poop shelf. I experienced one in Chile. It Premium Rebel Child Shirt, but the. Urge struck just as I was about to board a bus that would drive me across the Andes. It was a glorious relief to get it out, but a bit jarring to turn around and see my massive log just sitting there on that shelf. It did give me a chance to admire it. Now I have satisfactory explanations for an otherwise bizarre bathroom experience.
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This reminds me of the time I was peeing at a rest stop (female in the US). I was squatting over the toilet so as not to touch my ass to the gross rest stop seat. Right as I was finishing up, the knife in my pocket slid out and plopped into the toilet. For Premium Rebel Child Shirt folding knife. I looked down in shame and prepared to fish it out (thank god it was only pee). When the auto flusher kicked in the knife was swept away. I stood in horror saddened by the loss of my knife but also in fear of what it could do to the plumbing. If flushing paper towels and tampons is bad I can’t imagine what a pocket knife could do. But after a few minutes of standing there nothing else happened and.
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