Best friend in high school. His stepdad was a district attorney and apparently they didn’t get along at all. This was the bible belt southeast. I met him in the Premium Nurse So That Others May Live Shirt. He lived in a trailer park and financed it with his weed sales. My parents hated him. After he graduated from high school while living 100 percent on his own, he did two years of college before getting accepted into a major medical university program that actually paid him to be there. He is now a pharmaceutical engineer living in Switzerland. My parents were surprised to hear that.
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So he’s still a drug dealer? A super-intelligent one, don’t get me wrong, but it seems like he’s had the same motives driving him this whole time. Not me, but my cousin in the Premium Nurse So That Others May Live Shirt. Dev was apparently super into the drama club, and people thought he was too over the top, and kind of a try-hard that would never actually be a professional actor. His success was definitely unexpected for people he knew back then, based on what my cousin said. Lady Gaga’s classmates started a Facebook group called “You’ll Never Be Famous Stephanie Germanotta” or something along those lines. Joke’s on them. I totally get why people would think that in Skins he was kinda funny looking. And awkward (just like every teen really) his looks are average.
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I have no idea what the casting crew of Skins was on, but they were amazing at finding raw talent. I just saw the Premium Nurse So That Others May Live Shirt. Cassie and Chris are on GoT, Nicolas Hoult was just in the cover of Vanity Fair, and I’m sure I’m missing a lot of the cast. After not hearing from him for 15 years, we looked him up. Apparently he cofounded Revolve clothing, is a multi-millionaire, and parties in Ibiza and shit. I’m genuinely happy for the guy, but I never, ever, expected him to hit it big in fashion. Turns out he murdered an elderly gay man and is in jail now.
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