If I live long enough every component of my heart will be dog, and I will become as loving and generous as they are. The road is long, with a many of winding turns..that leads us to who Premium Golfer Funny Anatomy Shirt” (he was sick with Addison’s disease) and the begging harmonica part.(because my dad had to pick him up off the deck). I can’t listen to that song without bawling. I lost my cat suddenly about 4 years ago. I’ve had plenty of animals that have died in the past but she was my Fat Ass She-beast (20 pounds of fluffy black domestic longhaied sassiness) and i still tear up thinking about her. I have gotten a new cat but her picture is sill the wallpaper on my phone. And i have switched phones since then.
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God I feel this one, got a black lab who’s starting to go grey around his mouth and it’s so heartbreaking watching him get old and start aching and knowing that one day I’ll be listening out for Premium Golfer. Funny Anatomy Shirt he won’t be there breaks my heart so much I’m actually tearing up writing this. This is it for me but when it did happen 15 years ago :(. Can’t believe it’s been that long. He was my best friend and was always with me through a really hard time in my life. He was a Border Collie mixed with a Britney Spaniel, smart dog, lots of character. And when I would hang out with him, I’d sometimes just talk to him and felt like. I got a more of a response than if I’d talked to some friends lol.
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