It should definitely be a function to assign probabilities to counties and grab a random one based on that. Might still happen if British India unites India and tries to claim Peshawar. Might still happen if British India unites India and tries to claim Peshawar. The Premium Declare Variables Not War Shirt. Some day it’s an acronym, others say it means “land of the pure”. Even if it is an acronym, Pakistan will still claim both Baluchistan and Sindh. The name was first proposed OTL in 1933, and the name isn’t adopted by the revolt until after the ceasefire. Also, they’d not even come up with the name by the time this revolt occurs, so it’s a bit anachronistic. Would Islamistan be a better name? That was one of the proposed names IIRC. But they’re in a coalition with Sikhs.
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Hindustan is too close to Hindustan. And well, they are revolting against the Hindu majority. It won’t work. The name? Well, the fact that there was no organized movement to create a Premium Declare Variables Not War Shirt. IOTL it became more and more likely that the two-state solution would be the end result as the British continued to play divide and rule and the INC and Muslim-Leagues goals diverged, but in the 1920s the two groups were more or less allied in favor of a united, independent, federal India. Unless the Muslim League sat out the revolution they’d have been working with the INC all this time to make sure Muslims get a fair deal in independent India, rather than planning to create a Muslim state anyway.
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Not to mention that the AIML was one of the smaller and least popular Muslim organizations until the Premium Declare Variables Not War Shirt. Besides this, the AIML didn’t even support Indian independence until later on in the period. In other words, the existence of Pakistan (or another explicitly Muslim state in India) is ahistorical in the KR timeline. Well apparently the AIML basically sits on its hands until the 1930s when the INC concedes to the Hindu Nationalists, and then they decide to found their own state rather than use whatever influence they have to stop India going down the toilet of a race war. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt.
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