I’m really sorry that you had to go through all that. I can’t imagine how scary a prolapse must have been, for you. When I had it, it was essentially an internal massage. Not a sexy massage, it was digging deep intense spots, really working the muscles. In my case though, my pregnancy complications caused my pelvic floor to spasm a few times a minute all day every day after birth. Mine, therefore, was to essentially relax the muscles. I’m not sure how/if it would be different for pain management. I’m copying and pasting my response from someone else who wanted to know as I’m going now and had my first session a few days ago.
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My evaluation to test my pelvic floor (and assuming subsequent therapy) is to insert a finger inside to assess your pelvic muscles then squeezing those muscles in different intervals to test strength and endurance (so act like I was holding my pee). And even bear down (simulate pushing a baby out). It’s invasive. But that’s the Playing With Fire Will Get You Burnt Playing With A Firefighter Will Get You Wet Shirt. My sister had chronic pain that she thought was a persistent UTI, it never went away. She had 3 vaginal births in the last 18 years. Anyways, the PT literally had multiple fingers in her vagina, stretching. And pushing in all different directions. She said that she also had to have some of the same in her rectum. She no longer has pain.
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It has really pushed the women in my family who have had children to seek out proper Pelvic Floor PT. Because in other countries it is actually mandatory to attend after having a Playing With Fire Will Get You Burnt Playing With A Firefighter Will Get You Wet Shirt. What goes on in a standard pelvic floor therapy session? I just had one a few days ago! I’m going to PT for bladder issues from my two kids pressing down on my insides. My evaluation to test my pelvic floor (assuming subsequent therapy) is to insert a finger inside to assess. Your pelvic muscles then squeezing those muscles at different intervals to test strength.
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