I’m pissed that she has set it up now to make a lecture two parts rather than just one, longer 1.5-2 hour lecture. Allows more of her advertising in. While I understand it’s a source of Official I Was Normal 3 Cats Ago Shirt, I definitely don’t enjoy her contribution to the podcast. My ex girlfriend used to watch YouTube on her laptop all the time, and I would watch what she was watching for 3 minutes and hate my life. There’s just such an extreme level of narcissism and self-importance. The video is never about the topic they’re doing, it’s about THEM doing the thing. As if they’re some magical sexually irresistible character. So fucking obnoxious. Why do all female youtubers do this? It’s impossible for them to not make it ALL ABOUT THEM and not the content isn’t it. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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Not limited to women, I’m afraid. Nearly every YouTube personality begins all their videos with a meandering, ten minute monologue about themselves, regardless of the topic. The audience rewards it, so I guess I can’t really blame them. But it’s very annoying. Quick question what does the podcast offer that his youtube videos don’t? I have seen theOfficial I Was Normal 3 Cats Ago Shirt so I’m assuming they both have some of the exact same content. Lately, most of his podcast content has come from lectures he’s given on tour regarding 12 rules for life. I haven’t seen many of these lectures on his YouTube channel. He also has some stand alone podcast interviews it’s worth checking out, I’m sure you’d find new content you haven’t heard before.
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