Hurrah something to keep me going through the lockdown. Thank you Sabby. Updated now to read. Whenever I read stories that follow multiple character arcs, I often find myself preferring one arc over others. Like I’ll think to myself, “Enough about this dude, let’s go back to the Official Husband Daddy Protector Hero Veteran Shirt.”. I can genuinely say that I enjoy every arc that is present, whether it be individual character interactions such as Xan and Alice, Lachlan and Sentara, Natori and Io, etc. Or overarching narratives like unraveling the mystery of what caused the ships to exit warp early. I believe that is a testament to your excellent character development and world-building. I look forward to the next addition.
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Steady as it goes. Well written as always Sabby. Not too many things are happening but all of them are either interesting or needed for the plot to progress. But chapter by chapter the Official Husband Daddy Protector Hero Veteran Shirt. It’s also seen in your writing style, because it feels more like we are following the characters as they are going about their lives, and less like someone writing about them, seriously well done. I really hope that there will not be some dumb misunderstanding that would ruin it. I hope so too! And I’m glad to hear that the style is suitable. You know I enjoy the slice of life elements. Cheers and stay safe! Of course, if you did not enjoy the slice of life you wouldn’t feed us this great fluffy story. And you too stay safe.
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I really enjoyed seeing a bit more Admiral from Natori- sets the stage well for when he will eventually have to do some hard-ass leadership stuff. Alice seemed to be settling into anthropologist/science mode and it’s a welcome shift. You’re very good at making her charming all the while! I am over the moon that the Official Husband Daddy Protector Hero Veteran Shirt. I’m very excited to see a bit more of them doing their thing before the inevitable encounter with Russell. As I said before, I’m very interested in seeing him against the greater context of the humans available. Like, I know Antoth is considerably larger than your average Cauthen, but I’ve never pictured him as truly massive next to them.
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