I watched it on mute and didn’t notice the camera-person was in a car. The old man looked hella strong choking the other guy and pushing the car backward. I’d give anything to see some guy that age curb stomp the OP, shouting “not much else to live for, huh?!”… then jump back in their Mercedes, drive to their gorgeous house, that’s paid off, & do wtf they want… because they don’t have to work anymore! What an ignorant comment. Haha, I guess the Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Guitar Shirt. Because now they have “nothing much else to live for”? With no concept of that isn’t going to damage their shit w/ no consequences. That’s not being a “crazy old man”; that’s just being a man.
Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Guitar Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

People underestimate how strong a lot of old men are, all the time. I can remember a great, great uncle, he was like, 85 when I was a kid in the 80s… he was a Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Guitar Shirt… and if you sassed him even a little? Buddy, he’d snatch your arm and jerk you toward him and give you The Talk about not sassing elders that would scare the shit out of you. The guy in the vid? Maybe Korea, maybe Nam… but he walks very upright. Shoulders back, but his jaw is forward like age has bent his back a little. Still – his general posture reminds me of friends of ours who are, or was, in the military or highway patrol. That shoulders back, head up, back ramrod straight thing stays with them for life.
Official Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Guitar Sweatshirt, Hoodie

Basically the most senior you can get just before sergeant. Typically, when you promote to Sgt, you go back to patrol. The fact he never did that so he could stay SWAT, says a Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Guitar Shirt. Dude could easily have promoted. After 20 years with LAPD, mostly SWAT, that man is a legit leader. And he’s definitely a higher rank than a patrol officer. More often than not, guys like him have been to the same leadership training and courses, and often their input is extremely valuable to the higher-ups making all the decisions. In that regard, the man is a legit leader.
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