Amy was full-on riding the tails of the Duggar clan, trying to become a famous (lol) musician. If she told on the Duggar’s, it meant she would lose TLC “fame” as well. I personally believe that Alice or ConcernedMom comes from the Official Good BB-8 Mashup Gucci Star Wars Shirt. I never really frequented there and could never remember where I saw it. At the time I wrote it off as some internet crazy making up gossip. After the scandals broke I remembered reading that way back then and then couldn’t find it again. And I never saw it discussed here or anywhere else. I don’t know about conversion therapy, but he was definitely sent to ALERT for an incredibly long time…like a year or more away from the family in total.
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I think it’s more likely he was just rebellious. He apparently had a secret Facebook, too, which some think was the ultimate reason JB forced him into a courtship with Lauren. He has two other children with his ex-wife the Official Good BB-8 Mashup Gucci Star Wars Shirt. He’ll sit there and bitch that he never sees them but yet I never see him getting off his ass to try to make the effort to meet up with their mother. She shouldn’t be responsible for bringing them seeing as how it’s two hours away and then having to pick them up as well. Also, the child in question has mostly been raised by his grandparents because again. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Also, the girlfriend isn’t just frustrated about being disrespected she’s worried someone will hurt the son if he says the wrong thing to the wrong person. Idk what the son is saying but if he says anything bigoted the Official Good BB-8 Mashup Gucci Star Wars Shirt. Again IDK what he’s saying but OP is being irresponsible by not trying to teach his son bc having an attitude like that will affect him. I would’ve been in a lot of trouble in school/work-life etc. The things your girlfriend is saying is more than true and is exactly what you need to do. Just because he has autism, does not mean that he can just say rude things to anybody, she is right, they will hurt him. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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