I like that response to the heart thing when she acknowledged your value. Did you end up figuring this stuff out in real-time or later after thinking about it? I appreciate a good field report with practical information about what you did to be successful. I think it would have been helpful if you identified the region of the country. Urban, suburban, the Nice Y’all Mothafuckas Need Science Vintage Shirt Understand that logistics ARE part of your opener. Logistically OP acted very smartly. He positioned well in her line of view, had a reason to be there (laptop), otherwise empty coffee shop. No obvious time pressure on either party. The only obvious downside is that your stuff can actually be stolen.
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Notice how much happened before words left his mouth. You opener begins at the moment the woman takes first visual notice of you, not when words leave your mouth. The 3-second rule is nonsense. It was only ever intended as a training tool to help people with extreme anxiety, it was never intended as an actual ongoing rule. This is going to sound dumb. Are you trustworthy?” is a great opener. It acts as an indirect opener, qualifier, and pivot that essentially moves the Nice Y’all Mothafuckas Need Science Vintage Shirt. It’s definitely worth using again in a variety of contexts. A briefcase at a bar, seat at a bar, drink at a bar, laptop or book or in the coffee shop, etc. Know it and use it. He finished with teasing and keeping it light.
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