The music really. Is nice. I didn’t realize they had such a big sound pass. I was playing for like an hour and all of a sudden just thought to myself that everything just sounded a lot better. The newer Nice Sunflower It Takes A Lot Of Sparkle To Be A CMA Shirt. This patch has just been really nice compared to the previous few. I’m hoping they continue this format of stable and more polished builds like this. There used to be a video of him and the quire recording a score for star citizen. Can’t find it anymore. Did anyone save it? Also, really looking forward to the Microtec score. Just a head sup, cause I feel it might be a bit disingenuous to say it’s ALL thanks to him.
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While his work is amazing, and one of my favorite parts of the game. I’ve seen multiple mentions that there are multiple composers doing work on the PU soundtrack. Hard to track down who they may be, and it’s unconfirmed. But just food for thought. Clarification from Nice Sunflower It Takes A Lot Of Sparkle To Be A CMA Shirt. I spent an entire night falling asleep to the music on his site! Fantastic modern vibes in a way that makes you feel nostalgic. I’ve been listening to the SC soundtrack on YT again just today. I seriously think you wouldn’t be able to find a better musician than Pedro to do the music for SC, and I’ve been listening to a LOT of OSTs for 30 years now. And would be cool to have more like it in the game as well.
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