My old neighbor was a violent schizophrenic. He beat a man to death for trying to stop him from beating someone else up. Nice Orange Sus Vote Him Out Impostor Among Funny Vote Us Shirt brutally raped her. Then there was the time he decapitated a dog and left the head on his neighbor’s step. Medicated he is alright, when he goes off his meds and starts drinking and doing drugs he is very scary. Thankfully he seems to be the exception, not the rule. My sister has BPD, PTS, depression, and hears voices. She’s never presented a threat to any of our healths. The stigma that schizophrenics are a danger to everyone is misinformed and toxic. It’s far more likely for them to run away than attack. My dad had paranoid schizophrenia. He would go up to strangers and confront them in an aggressive way sometimes.
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I don’t think it ever resulted in a physical altercation though. It’s probably important to note that, in his mind, those people probably Nice Orange Sus Vote Him Out Impostor Among Funny Vote Us Shirt by them for some reason. Unless they’re of their medication and self-medicating with Meth. Then it significantly increases their chance of getting violent exponentially. But other than that I’m my experience, especially if someone is having a schizophrenic episode when I’ve talked to them they don’t realize it. And after finding out they’re schizophrenic I told them they’re in the middle of an episode and it’s like a light bulb turns on as they realize what they couldn’t before. And they thank me for letting them know pretty much every time it has happened.
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