The horizontal scroll of all the maps/pages you have set up in Roll20. I’m at like 12 pages in a week, so it’s getting to be a long scroll sideways. So apparently you can ‘archive’ pages into an I Might Look Like I’m Listening To You But In My Head I’m Fishing Shirt. You can ‘restore’ them as needed. The solution so far. Just scroll to the bottom of the Page Settings window. If you have a Pro level subscription you can also create a game with all your pages in (or several games I guess) and then use the experimental “Transmogrifier” feature to drag (copy) them over to your current game as you want them. I always used to write an after-action report and a campaign newsletter.
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The 2-3 hours after a session that the high lasted. It allowed me to do it while the details were fresh in my mind before I woke up the next morning and kids, wife, life, etc. drove everything into the I Might Look Like I’m Listening To You But In My Head I’m Fishing Shirt. This is a good idea. I mostly used my memory and ingame notes for years, recently now that I am recording games and getting to hear them back it has been good to see the game from the ‘outside’ instead of only from my behind the screen perspective. I see/hear all my mistakes 10-fold, but it’s a great tool to help improve. My notes from the playbacks are super helpful in seeding plots for the future. I’d never thought to prepare directly after the session, that makes a lot of sense!
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I mostly do ‘idea’ work if not actual physical prep. Brain floods with cool ideas I remember or jot down notes for. Then I can fill in the practical work as time permits. But it’s nice to have the current session in your mind while devising/designing what can happen next. I do exactly this as well, I’m usually up early into the I Might Look Like I’m Listening To You But In My Head I’m Fishing Shirt. I’ve written some of my best plot hooks and storytelling during this time. Is there a way to avoid mental fatigue/crashes from this? After sessions, I usually feel awesome, but also I often feel super mentally tired from it as well. I have the drain instead of the high I play Rocket League and listen to music lol. It’s fast like my adrenaline but also mostly automatic.
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