The point with this isn’t that one way is worse than the other but rather you can’t simply point at a I Bin Steirer Papa Wie A Normaler Papa Nur Shirt we don’t consume healthcare in the same way. Reform must factor in these human factors so it doesn’t fail, if the politicians. Who are voted out because people hate it as. We tried to change consumption. Patterns too quickly no progress will be made. Broad based transfer systems. Must be funded by broad-based taxes. While the US income tax is lower than much of the world its also one of the. Most progressive income taxes in the world. The Nordic countries have some of the least progressive tax systems as they have large transfer systems to fund. Its functionally impossible to fund a broad-based transfer. System unless most people are contributing to it.
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Non-emergency and elective procedures can put people on. Long waitlists but that’s primarily because anything urgent will be put ahead of you in line. I broke my ankle a few . Years I Bin Steirer Papa Wie A Normaler Papa Nur Shirt surgery and it took 4. And a mass trauma event, while I was in the hospital waiting almost, sent me home. That elective jaw surgery had a complication and I was literally in the hospital that day for the required correction. There are plenty of private practices outside of the health care system in Canada but not many people want . The Canadian insurance system, usually referred to as “extended health care”. Is layered on top of the standard medical system and is priced accordingly.
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