Yes. It would drive them out. They’d seek their own route, but if we wanted to pick where they exited the body – and she believed we would – then we could put a slit in his skin and they’d seek the I Am Not Your Rolling Wheels I Am The Highway I Am Not Your Carpet Ride I Am The Sky Shirt. I must have looked a bit uncomfortable at this. Because she said she’d write down instructions and include them with the bag of tea. I told her about the police officer and she said she’d drop off a package at my house. Have him drink it every day for a week, she said. He’d feel sick at first but eventually. He’d start to feel better and that would drive out the spiders. She laughed and took the kettle from the stove. I went to the table.
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She took the lid off the teapot by the hearth and filled it with leaves while the kettle heated on the fire. I meandered through the room while she worked. Her tea was kept up on a shelf and I eyed it, trying to determine if I Am Not Your Rolling Wheels I Am The Highway I Am Not Your Carpet Ride I Am The Sky Shirt. There was an assortment of cups as well, an eclectic mix, and at one end of the shelf sat a teapot. Besides, I still had the knife on me, hidden beneath the charm vest. Perhaps she knew it was there, but it was at least less overt a weapon than the gun. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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