Submit it through the website’s career page. It shows that Funny Some Grandmas Knit Real Grandmas Listen To Rod Stewart Signature Shirt other application requirements there that aren’t listed on indeed. What the hell… why is job searching so damn hard. I hear different information every day. Earlier this year I submitted apps with docx. Then I hear it’s a pdf so I do that for a while. Now I hear this. It seems like no matter how I submit my resume I’m already automatically disqualified. Yeah, that’s another reason I started using DOCX exclusively. I’ve heard that some ATS systems will gag on your PDF and fail to parse it which might get you excluded from the job immediately. What the fuck is wrong with our society? Excluding applicants, because your backward-ass system can’t parse their resume format?
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It’s because everything has to go through a bunch of hoops to get approved at big companies. I know someone who worked for a state government and they just updated their computers from Windows XP. Now Funny Some Grandmas Knit Real Grandmas Listen To Rod Stewart Signature Shirts to move their systems to something that can parse image text. What kind of horrible system is that? I understand software issues occur, but i presume you’re a corporate recruiter? Parsing pdf’s seems like a pretty vital feature for applicant software. Generally, it’s not indicated in a machine-readable way which text block is #1, #2, #3 etc in reading order, and sometimes each line or even each word or character is independently positioned. Once fully rendered out, it looks great on a page. But a lot of times there’s no logical way in the programming to determine how the document would be read semantically. You start at the first letter, and make your way along until there’s no more letters.
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