I think it was bc I was raised very religiously and AFAB so everyone. Just assumed I’d get married and be a Funny Daisy Peace Sign Hippie Soul Shirt. And never work long enough to retire. The other day I had to explain to my 55-year-old dad. Why he should max out a Roth IRA before putting money into a taxable brokerage account. That’s when I realized that my parents didn’t have the internet to learn . Any of this stuff from for much of their lives. I feel you. Mine passed away back in August when I was 28. There’s nothing you can do to prepare for it, and I’m afraid I have no magic words to make it better. Just know you’re not alone.
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I’ll never say it gets “better,” but it eventually starts to suck less and your hard days get a little less frequent. I’m so, so sorry. That happened to me at 48, and I don’t think the. Extra Funny Daisy Peace Sign. Hippie Soul Shirt emotionally. The experience let me take care of a lot of external things on autopilot. Or realize they didn’t really matter that much). But I was still a little boy crying for his daddy on the inside. My dad also passed away a bit before my 26th birthday, he was 66 and . Was fairly active so I thought he would keep up for a while and I thought I will worry. About it when he reaches 80. The gut by fate I guess. Mine passed days after my 24th. just before we could meet up that weekend to celebrate. Similar to you, they had me kinda late.
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