If not then you are asking all of us to pay for you anyway? One of the main issues with hospital Even Though I’m Not Sack Got My Back Happy Father’s Day Shirt: The government or private insurance companies. Neither actually pay what the hospital is charging so it’s kind of this dance that happens. VA facilities to my understanding have the least marked up charge sheets so they’re good to use to compare against. I’d be happy to. If my 100$ paid into the system can prevent someone else from dying and someone else’s 100$ into the system might prevent me from dying? Why exclude or segregate the locations? The larger the bargaining power (group of people paying in together) is the more power is has to negotiate prices that are fair. I’d be happy to.
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If my 100$ paid into the system can prevent someone else from dying and someone else’s 100$ into the system might prevent me from dying? Why exclude or segregate the locations? The Even Though I’m Not Sack Got My Back Happy Father’s Day Shirt is has to are fair. What you are suggesting would be like a subscription service that I cannot opt-out of that entitles me to “free” necessities. From Target. Obviously, I am going to collect my “free” toilet paper once I am paying for the. Subscription, but what happens if I don’t like the pricing model for the service? Or if the only TP they offer is one-ply? Or if the service entitles me to ten rolls a week when I only need two? Hell, Target can put up a sign that says “out of stock” and I would still have to pay into the system.
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