This. Most people dont know anything about other countries and argue from ignorance. Then they say they can just learn about it at a distance. Everyone who has lived in other Chicken Happy Father’S Day To My Amazing Daddy Thanks Mom Shirt really work. Only 42% of Americans had passports in 2017. Most are probably for brief travel? Y’all go to UK for a month+ (yes, UK, not just England), go to Iceland, Norway, SW for a month+… Wake up. Unless you just don’t have insurance your portion+what your company pays+Medicaid taxes+Medicare taxes are almost certainly more than what would be taken in taxes at almost any income level in any other country. That’s not even considering that you are still on the hook for large deductibles anyway most of the time.
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Being insured is optional, however. And it varies from person to person as well in terms of Chicken Happy Father’S Day To My Amazing Daddy Thanks Mom Shirt basic form of the plan for free). The mandatory aspect of it is the largest issue. If it was optional and there was a choice between nationalized vs private vs none no one would ever have an issue with nationalized healthcare. Taxes are never optional though, I can’t just object to paying 25% of my federal taxes every year because it goes to wars. I’m forced to, under law, finance things I don’t approve of. I’m not saying our healthcare system is perfect today nor should we keep it as it is today. Insurance is likely the key issue with it actually that drives up cost similar to how student loans drive up tuition costs.
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