In that time there has not been a new hospitable built, and 4 of which are from the last 1800’s but Boston Terrier Don’T Say Im Not A Mom Shirt. However, free healthcare has its issues. Some of the waiting for medicine can be absurdly long. If you want an MRI good luck waiting 6 months if you are lucky. So a private healthcare can sometimes be life saving. Since my father friend literally died because he couldn’t get an appointment on time so medical complications occurred and died. Lol, I find it funny that you used the VA as an “ok” thing… at the. VA my general practitioner is a failed anesthesiologist who killed too many people. Rather than remove him from the VA, they put him in a less dangerous position. I have been infected on two separate events from the.
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VA during “routine blood tests”… and to top it off, they are 10+ years behind on medical procedures… I was medically discharged from active duty for a hip injury. The VA told me the only option was a full hip replacement. I decided to get private health insurance and go to a real doctor. I ended up having a hip arthroscopy. Before the surgery, I went to the VA to get a second opinion, and the VA Orthopedic told Boston Terrier Don’T Say Im Not A Mom Shirt can’t be done”. Not only did I have that surgery that week, but I walked out of that hospital without ever needing pain meds again. Fuck the VA. 7 years I dealt with that fucking pain… and the whole time I could have been healed by a real doctor… the VA is a fucking joke, and so is your post.
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