As a trans guy, I was told this sort of sentiment by straight men when I transitioned. I think it’s more of an issue of people viewing you through the lens of their sexuality, which is not right. All I can say is don’t listen. It’s the Before You Try To Hurt My Feelings Keep In Mind I Don’t Have Any And You Probably Do Shirt. I’d rather be an “ugly” guy than a “beautiful” woman any day! I’m a short bald man and have never felt better about my appearance. Yeah, that’s definitely one fine looking guy… Not my type usually, but I think this is an exception. This is how I was able to determine I’m Genderfluid rather than trans male when I was questioning. A huge part of me wants to be male through and through. But another, smaller but equally powerful, part of me wants to still be able to present female and be “pretty” when I want.
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So here I am with a weird wardrobe and a swagger that hides my hips decently well until I want to put a skirt on. Before coming out as trans, I was mistaken for being gay a lot. However especially from cis people. The advice I can give you is talking with these individuals and telling the Before You Try To Hurt My Feelings Keep In Mind I Don’t Have Any And You Probably Do Shirt. Point out that you feel bad when they say such things. I’m sure if they’re LGBTQ+ they’ll understand. Maybe they just didn’t think about this before and you’re the first person to tell them. But let me tell you this: being transgender is definitely not a waste of beauty. I’m trans and came out around half a year to a few months ago and the responses were very positive.
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I got compliments both as a boy and a girl. But let me tell you compliments literally skyrocketed when I started dressing more feminine. You can be a Before You Try To Hurt My Feelings Keep In Mind I Don’t Have Any And You Probably Do Shirt. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you!! I needed to hear this! Words can’t express how what u just said moved me. I’m Tearing up right now. And yes the compliments skyrocketed for me too. This happened to me. I used to get hit on by gay men a lot. Coworkers at a previous workplace kept hinting at it.
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