I don’t have a real opinion on the Bungie staff but the tone-deaf decisions are quick. Pushing me away from what is probably my favorite all-time game. It’s incredibly frustrating to have paid for a season pass. And get drips and drabs of weak content. This season has just Awesome Piss Me Off Again And We Play A Game Called Duct Tape Shirt. The community staff has an incredibly tough job and I appreciate everything they do. Ultimately though they are not decision-makers and end up feeling the wrath of the community after our feedback is ignored or fulfilled with empty promises. I remain positive in the hope that something. Worthwhile will be on the horizon but at present. I think next season will, unfortunately, be my last.
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I just want to play the damn game and have fun doing it, not have to come to this sub to have my seething frustration validated, so I wish Bungie could get their shit together. For me, Destiny has become the Star Wars of looter-shooters. It used to be great and Awesome Piss Me Off Again And We Play A Game Called Duct Tape Shirt, has rich lore, and some intense action but it’s managed to lose the key elements that made previous iterations enjoyable. What used to be campy charm has been corporatized into a hodgepodge of plot holes, awful writing, cliches. Fan service, and monetization that no longer even respects its own history. I just want to have fun. Oh how I’ve dreamed of things that make it fun again, but what do I know.
Official Awesome Piss Me Off Again And We Play A Game Called Duct Tape Sweatshirt, Hoodie

That Wishender “bug” was probably the most fun. I’ve had in Y3 so far. It’s moments like those that define “Destiny” for me. And silly unintentional bugs that alter the Awesome Piss Me Off Again And We Play A Game Called Duct Tape Shirt. I would love if they added sth like a randomized rumble, where they give each player a random set from the meta ones and they are forced to play with it until certain kill thresholds. I’m a firm believer that they should have kept the damage of the Wish Ender but convert it to a special weapon. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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