Jesus, at least be part of the Awesome I Don’T Always Stop And Look At Cows-for Cow Lover Shirt sect that decided they know better than, ughhhh, Jesus lol If anything all the non-RC “christians” are the cancer. So ask any protestant and they’ll tell you that they are Christian just add much as the Catholics even though their beliefs on various things differ greatly. Yes, I know about it. I laugh about it every Christmas when people are like “kEeP tHe ChRiSt iN ChRiStMaS” while they decorate their pagan trees and light their Yule logs. That doesn’t change that Roman Catholicism is the original religion that sprung from the Jewish Christians when their inclusion of gentiles caused them to split from Judaism. And who was hilarious and an awesome man. I think that religious bigotry and dissonance were semi responsible for her
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That’s not true at all. Awesome I Don’T Always Stop And Look. At Cows-for Cow Lover Shirt church practices, full of unnecessary prescriptions and not very biblical theology. That’s why the protestant reformation happened in the first place. I’m so sorry that you had to deal with that Christian mind control camp. I grew up in a non-religious family yet I did have a best friend when. I was like 8, whose family was Pentecostal and one of her brothers was gay. She sat around all confused and trying to justify things when her parents. Unseemingly to her, could abandon the brother she had grown up with all of her life that we laughed with. Charges for her deviant behavior and subsequent jailing. She also eventually, years later tried to lure me into an unsafe situation. which she again, years later apologized for.
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